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30 day money back promise

30 Day Money-Back Promise

no subscription & free updates

No Subscription Fees

2 year shot scope warranty

2 Year Shot Scope Warranty


Current price is: £69.99. Original price was: £99.99.

Mobile enabled performance tracking tags

1-3 Business Days

The Shot Scope 30 day money-back promise gives you peace of mind to try any Shot Scope product for 30 days and return hassle-free if you decide it is not for you.

We know how annoying monthly subscription fees are and that is why we guarantee our software, maps and updates are 100% subscription free for life.

We build products you can trust to perform on the course but in the unfortunate event your product suffers any performance issues we will replace it free of charge up to 2 years after purchase.


Mobile enabled performance tracking tags

Current price is: £69.99. Original price was: £99.99.

1-3 Business Days

The Shot Scope 30 day money-back promise gives you peace of mind to try any Shot Scope product for 30 days and return hassle-free if you decide it is not for you.

We know how annoying monthly subscription fees are and that is why we guarantee our software, maps and updates are 100% subscription free for life.

We build products you can trust to perform on the course but in the unfortunate event your product suffers any performance issues we will replace it free of charge up to 2 years after purchase.

Key Features

gps maps via the app

GPS Maps
via the app

x16 lightweight tags
x16 Lightweight
club tags
performance tracking icon

Performance tracking

over 100 tour level stats
Over 100 tour
level stats
f/m/b distances
digital scorecard icon
built-in cart magnet

Built-in cart magnet

adaptive slope technology

Adaptive slope

gps maps via the app

GPS Maps via the app

target-lock vibration

Target-lock vibration

rapid-fire detection

Rapid-fire detection

x6 zoom

x6 Zoom & 700y range

Product Description

CONNEX performance tracking tags record every shot you hit on the golf course, allowing you to keep your score and collect personalised data as you play. Track your game by simply tapping the club tag against your phone (usually kept in a pocket) before each shot.  

During your round you can access GPS Aerial Maps giving you a bird’s eye view of every hole you play. Measure the distance to the front, middle and back of the green, plus any point on the hole such as a hazard or the distance to a dogleg. With over 36,000 courses accurately mapped, you will have all the distances you need to perform at your best. 

Post round, analyse statistics on how you performed reviewing data on club distances, approaches, short game, putting, and more. Know your strengths and weaknesses with Strokes Gained as well as Handicap Benchmarking so you know exactly what areas to practice on.

CONNEX allows the golfer to understand their game better, improve on-course strategy and shoot lower scores.

The future of golf is powered by Shot Scope.

Product Features

  • 16 x CONNEX performance tracking tags with RFID technology – lightweight at only 2 grams 
  • Assign your clubs enabling game tracking to record your on-course data
  • FREE mobile app and web dashboard statistics platform – no hidden fees or subscriptions
  • Post-round review 100+ statistics on your game including strokes gained and handicap benchmarking 
  • GPS Aerial Maps of every hole you play
  • Over 36,000 courses worldwide available to play for free 
  • View your shots directly on the bird’s eye view map
  • Dynamic yardages to the front/middle/back of the green
  • Measure GPS distances to hazards, doglegs or any point on the course
  • Shot Scope’s in-house course mapping team can make updates to a course at your request within 48 hours
  • Review green layout and move the pin position for more accurate yardages
  • Personalised data on tee shots, approaches, short game, putting, scoring and full round/season
  • Statistics can be broken down by lie type, distance, club used, proximity, round and season 
  • Share good rounds or achievements with golf buddies on your social pages
  • Interactive features; Earn Medals and compete on the Shot Scope Leaderboards
  • Virtually join any golf club on Course Hub and analyse how Shot Scope users play that course
  • Build a strategy for golf courses you play regularly with shots plotted and course analysis
  • Detailed putting statistics for in-depth data on and around the green
  • Distance units (Yards / Meters)
  • Conforms to the Rules of Golf
  • FREE software updates, including new features 
  • Keep track of your score with the digital scorecard 
  • Access to Shot Scope Academy as a player, allowing your coach (if registered) to analyse your data and use insights to inform your lessons and practice
  • Tap anywhere on a hole to get an instant distance 

App & Dashboard Features

  • GPS Aerial Maps
  • MyStrategy
  • Course Preview

Material: ABS plastic

Weight: 2 grams per club tag

Technology: NFC – CONNEX will work with any phone that is NFC enabled. If your phone is capable of contactless payments, it is NFC enabled

  • 16 x Shot Scope CONNEX performance tracking tags
  • FREE iOS / Android app
  • Statistics Platform with Strokes Gained and Handicap Benchmarking


  • 2 year warranty
  • 30 day money-back promise

Track with
your phone

Shot Scope CONNEX allows golfers to track over 100 tour level statistics on their game without the need to purchase a GPS watch or distance measuring device.

All you need is your smartphone and the 16 lightweight tracking tags to start collecting game-changing data on your performance, including Strokes Gained and Handicap Benchmarks, with no subscription fees.
Shot Scope CONNEX allows golfers to track over 100 tour level statistics on their game without the need to purchase a GPS watch or distance measuring device.

All you need is your smartphone and the 16 lightweight tracking tags to start collecting game-changing data on your performance, including Strokes Gained and Handicap Benchmarks, with no subscription fees.

Golf Data Analytics

The Power of Shot Tracking

The Power
of Shot Tracking

Distances to any
point on the course

On the course, do you ever find yourself asking how far is it to the trees? Or to a bunker? With CONNEX, there is no uncertainty on the course and distances to any point are available at the tips of your fingers.

GPS Aerial Maps allow you to see the hole as you play it, perfect for blind holes, new courses, or picking your target line.

On the course, do you ever find yourself asking how far is it to the trees? Or to a bunker? With CONNEX, there is no uncertainty on the course and distances to any point are available at the tips of your fingers.

GPS Aerial Maps allow you to see the hole as you play it, perfect for blind holes, new courses, or picking your target line.


play icon


Do I get access to the same data as other Shot Scope products?

Yes. All Shot Scope performance tracking products grant users full access to over 100+ FREE statistics via the Shot Scope app.

What if I already use a different brand for my GPS?

CONNEX can be used in harmony with other manufacturers, for example if you own or use an alternative GPS product for your distances you can still use CONNEX to track your data. All you require is access to your mobile phone to allow for data tracking.

How will I know if CONNEX will work with my phone?

CONNEX will work with any phone that is NFC enabled. If your phone is capable of contactless payments, it is NFC enabled.

How does CONNEX work?

CONNEX works by utilising performance tracking tags and GPS location to give precise distance measurements and shot recording data. Simply screw the tags into the grip of your club and armed with your smartphone, head out onto the course.

Are there any additional fees for premium statistics?

As with all Shot Scope products, there are no additional fees to access any of the performance tracking data. Purchasing CONNEX grants you access to all statistics, including features such as Strokes Gained and Handicap Benchmarking with no extra subscription fee.

If you still have a question, our support team would be happy to help.

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The FREE Shot Scope App

Shot Scope App

Save Money & Shots

Golfers who buy a Shot Scope performance tracking product gain access to the Shot Scope app and dashboard. FREE forever with no subscription fees to worry about, you can delve into the numbers behind your game.

strokes gained insights form the shot scope app

Analyse like a Tour Pro

Just some of the statistics available with Shot Scope:







Improve Your Game Fast

Improve Your
Game Fast

Start Improving Today

Every golfer wants to improve, no matter if they are 25 handicap or scratch. When golfers track with Shot Scope, they reduce their score by 4.1 shots on average after 30 tracked rounds.

Golfers can also use their personal shot tracking statistics to create powerful, data-driven strategies with MyStrategy. Plan your next round with Shot Scope.


Manual shot tracking

Club tagging

Just before you start your pre shot routine, simply tap the end of your club with your mobile phone and continue as normal. The device will then monitor your shot.

Shot tracking is extremely powerful for golfers looking to record rapid improvement.

golfer tagging their phone in their pocket with their golf club to track their shot
GPS Watches
Shot Tracking
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