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2 Year Shot Scope Warranty

USB Charging Cable

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For V5 / X5 / G4 / G5 / G6 GPS watches

USB Charging Cable available to buy with:

  • GolfBox logoright chevron

1-3 Business Days

The Shot Scope 30 day money-back promise gives you peace of mind to try any Shot Scope product for 30 days and return hassle-free if you decide it is not for you.

We know how annoying monthly subscription fees are and that is why we guarantee our software, maps and updates are 100% subscription free for life.

We build products you can trust to perform on the course but in the unfortunate event your product suffers any performance issues we will replace it free of charge up to 2 years after purchase.

USB Charging Cable

For V5 / X5 / G4 / G5 / G6 GPS watches

USB Charging Cable available to buy with:

  • GolfBox logoright chevron

1-3 Business Days

The Shot Scope 30 day money-back promise gives you peace of mind to try any Shot Scope product for 30 days and return hassle-free if you decide it is not for you.

We know how annoying monthly subscription fees are and that is why we guarantee our software, maps and updates are 100% subscription free for life.

We build products you can trust to perform on the course but in the unfortunate event your product suffers any performance issues we will replace it free of charge up to 2 years after purchase.

Product Description

This USB charging cable is designed specifically for Shot Scope GPS watches, ensuring fast and reliable charging. With a durable design and secure connection, it keeps your watch powered up for every round. Lightweight and portable, it’s perfect for home, office, or travel and can be used with any standard wall charger or laptop USB port.

Compatible with: X5 / V5 / G4 / G5 / G6 GPS watches

*Not compatible with V3 / G3 GPS watches or H4 Handheld

  • Ensures quick and consistent power for your GPS watch
  • Specifically designed to work with Shot Scope GPS watches
  • Compact design makes it easy to carry for travel or daily use
  • 1 x USB charging cable

USB Charging Cable available to buy with:

  • GolfBox logoright chevron

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