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Join the Shot Scope
Ambassador Program

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Can I become
a brand ambassador?

The Shot Scope ambassador program was created to bring golfers together and tell their stories. No matter if you are a beginner golfer or scratch golfer, Shot Scope is for everyone.

We are looking for golfers to spread the word about how Shot Scope can help you on the golf course. In return, you can receive products and earn commission for generating sales at
Shot Scope UGC

Join our community
of dedicated golfers

Community and helping golfers improve are both very important to Shot Scope and we want to partner with like-minded individuals who want to share engaging content with their friends and followers.

We’re looking for golfers who are passionate about Shot Scope products and improving their game. Our ambassador program accepts golfers with an active social media presence, coaches and influencers.
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Why become
a brand ambassador?

  • Join one of the fastest growing brands in golf
  • Get Shot Scope product to get you started
  • Earn 10% commission
  • Shot Scope assets to help you drive and convert sales

What we are looking for from you...

What we need
you to do?

Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, BlueSky

Regularly Post Shot Scope content

Create and share content using your Shot Scope product on the course

two people high fiving icon

Engage with Shot Scope social media

Interact with Shot Scope posts – comment, share and repost

Earn commission

Generate sales & earn commission

Share your link/code with your audience, generate sales & earn commission

Ready to join our team of ambassadors?

Terms and Conditions of Brand Ambassador Agreement – Shot Scope Technologies Limited

A. As a Brand Ambassador, I understand and agree to the following:

By sending an application form to Shot Scope, I am agreeing to the terms and conditions listed below:

1. I am 18 years of age or older.

2. I am not an employee, agent, franchisee, or partner of the company. I cannot act on behalf of the company. I do not have any authority to incur debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of the company.

  • I will promote and market Shot Scope products to customers.
  • Receive test/wear/model/experience and write about products on social networks (blogs, posts, pictures, videos, etc.).
  • Share brand message on social networks
  • Receive new products and model them for promotions we create or to be used as product images.

3. I will receive compensation for any sales on using the specific referral links provided by Shot Scope.

4. I will not sell company product on unauthorized websites on the internet or in retail establishments.

5. I understand that I will not receive compensation for use of images or videos used on the company’s social media networks. However the company will do it’s upmost to make sure embedded referral links are maintained.

6. I will post as often as I would like on my social media accounts, website and blog using my referral link and tagging Shot Scope accounts.

7. I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects the highest standard of integrity and responsibility in keeping with the reputation of the company. If I do not uphold these standards, I will be immediately removed from the Brand Ambassador Program.

8. If I choose to leave the Brand Ambassador program any photos or videos will remain in the Shot Scope database to use on their social media platforms and marketing campaigns.

9. I must be an active* Brand Ambassador to remain in the program.

10. I agree that the company reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time.

11. I agree to the company’s privacy policy and I have read and agree to these terms.

B. Shot Scope Technologies Limited (Company) understands and agrees:

1. Company will compensate the Brand Ambassador with a commission for every Shot Scope sale using their specific referral fee. Payment will be paid monthly through PayPal.

2. Company will occasionally provide free or discounted product to the Brand Ambassador to promote on social networks.

3. The company may provide additional product / free products to top performing Brand Ambassadors at its’ discretion.

4. If the company terminates the program, the company must provide 30 days notice to all Brand Ambassadors prior to the termination date.

5. The Company will retain the rights to use any photos they send us or tag us in, even if the Brand Ambassador exits the program.

6. The Company agrees to adhere to the Company’s privacy policy these terms and conditions.

C. General:

1. This agreement is subject to acceptance by the company and is conditioned by the acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2. Either party may terminate this agreement immediately for cause or without reason upon written notice.

3. Shot Scope Technologies Limited may discontinue the Brand Ambassador Program at any time.

4. The Brand Ambassadors will not be treated as a company employee for any reason.

*active pertains to posting content at least once a month

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