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Shot Scope Product Reviews

Shot Scope products have earned outstanding reviews from media, customers, and golf enthusiasts for their advanced GPS tracking and performance analysis.

Several leading golf publications highlight Shot Scope GPS watches, rangefinders, and shot tracking products for their accuracy and affordability.

With award-winning products for design and functionality, the ever-popular PRO L2 rangefinder and V-Series watches are amongst the favourite choices of Shot Scope users.

Shop Shot Scope golf GPS and tracking devices today to improve your performance on the course!
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Our performance tracking users save 4.1 shots on average over 30 rounds so if you are looking to improve your golf then Shot Scope is for you. Discover what your strengths and weaknesses are with our industry leading data collecting technology.

Both our V5 and X5 GPS watches come with performance tracking tags that will record every shot you hit on the golf course. Both watches also include FREE golf course maps, giving you a view of every hole from the tee. Alternatively, our CONNEX mobile tracking tags, H4 Handheld and PRO LX+ rangefinder offer different types of tracking devices.

For golfers who are only looking for GPS on the golf course, our award-winning PRO L2 rangefinder, PRO LX and customisable G5 GPS watch are some of the best value golf devices you’ll find on the market.

Every Shot Scope device comes with FREE access to the Shot Scope app, where golfers can view their previous rounds, analyse their data, benchmark against handicaps ranges and use innovative tools such as MyStrategy.

Join over 200,000 golfers currently using Shot Scope to improve THEIR game.
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Designed by golfers
for golfers

Shot Scope golf products are designed by golfers, for golfers, ensuring precision, performance, and ease of use. From GPS watches to rangefinders and shot tracking products, each product is built to enhance your game, built with the latest technology to help you lower scores.

Learn about our award-winning range, from user reviews, independent testimonials and videos from trusted experts, PGA Pro’s and Shot Scope Ambassadors.
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Recommended by golf media all around the world

The most reliable golf publications love Shot Scope products

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