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2 Year Shot Scope Warranty

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X5 user guides

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English user guide

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Guide d'utilisation français


More languages coming soon

Quick steps to get started with X5

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Download the user guide

Download the Shot Scope app

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Create a Shot Scope account within the app

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Before you play:

  • Charge your X5
  • Update your watch to the latest firmware (this can be done within the app)
  • Check and update your courses to ensure the most up to date mapping
  • Screw your tags into your clubs

Download the free Shot Scope app

The Shot Scope app is free and has no subscription fees

The mobile app allows you to upload your round data and easily access all of your statistics. Golfers can also use the GPS aerial maps feature to better navigate the golf course, or MyStrategy to build personal, data-driven round strategies. You can also view and edit your data on the Performance Dashboard which can be accessed via web browser on a computer.

X5 helpful videos

Click the YouTube button below to visit the helpful videos playlist for X5.


Help, answers and FAQ’s for all Shot Scope devices can be found on our support hub.

Can't find your answer on our support hub?

Get in touch and our team will be happy to help. Working hours are 9am-5pm GMT, we aim to respond within 48 working hours.

X5 care advice

If the plastic bottom of the watch comes into direct and prolonged contact with chemicals contained in the following items, its appearance may be altered, and skin irritation can occur.

  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreens
  • Moisturizing creams and lotions
  • Oils
  • Perfumes
  • Sanitizers
  • Soaps

We understand that insect repellent and sunscreen are frequently required on the golf course. We therefore have the following recommendations when using these whilst wearing your Shot Scope:

  • Avoid the small area of the wrist directly underneath the housing of the watch or apply less in this area. (When you remove the device after your game, remember to apply sunscreen in this area).
  • After applying, wipe any excess away on the device using a damp cloth.
  • After every game, use a damp cloth or rubbing alcohol to remove any build up of sunscreens or insect repellents.
  • Allow the watch to dry before wearing again.

Following this advice, you should not expect to have issues wearing the watch. If you develop a skin irritation, stop wearing the watch and consult a dermatologist.

Plastic housing material: ABS

Strap material: Silicone

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