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2 year shot scope warranty

2 Year Shot Scope Warranty

Our range of GPS watches, laser rangefinders and shot tracking products are aimed at golfers who want to lower their scores and enjoy the game more.

If you are interested in a GPS watch, Shot Scope offers the G4, V5 and X5. The G4 is an easy-to-use GPS watch, offering all the essential features you need such as F/M/B distances and a digital scorecard. The V5 and X5 offer automatic shot tracking on the course, amongst other advanced features.

If you are more interested in laser accurate yardages, look no further than our PRO series. With the PRO LX, PRO LX+, PRO L2, PRO X and PRO ZR, we offer a rangefinder for every golfer.

We also offer a number of different ways to track your game, offering shot tracking GPS watches, GPS handhelds, rangefinders and mobile-enabled shot tracking tags.
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Golf GPS watch with automatic performance tracking and Full hole maps

Laser rangefinder with slope and cart magnet

Laser rangefinder featuring a DuraShield HardShell and built-in cart magnet

GPS Handheld with performance tracking

Laser rangefinder featuring GPS distances and performance tracking

Mobile enabled performance tracking tags

GPS watch with F/M/B distances

Replacement putter tracking tags

Protective carry case for Shot Scope rangefinders

Full set of replacement tracking tags

Replacement tracking tags

For V5 / X5 / G4 / G5 / G6 GPS watches

For V3 / G3 GPS watches & H4 Handheld

Golf GPS watch with automatic performance tracking and Personalised hole maps

Laser rangefinder featuring enhanced Adaptive slope technology

Replacement G-Series watch straps

Silicone watch straps, compatible with X5 & V5

Freshen up your Shot Scope G3 GPS watch with a new colour strap

Keep your clubs clean during every round

Driver headcover with Shot Scope Icon pattern

Fairway headcover with Shot Scope Icon pattern

Foldable double prong divot tool with ball marker
GPS Watches
Shot Tracking
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