Shot Scope Golf GPS App
![Shot Scope App Club Distances](
Performance statistics are available with shot tracking products.
![Shot Scope Mobile App](
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36,000 courses mapped worldwide
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Easily share your round on social media
Use the Shot Scope social share feature to show off those good days on the course.
Share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram by clicking the share icon in the top right corner on 'round overview' page.
Compete against friends!
Create your own private Leaderboard for a group of friend or see where you rank globally against other Shot Scope users.
Leaderboards available for all statistics categories, see who can hit the longest drive, have the lowest score and compare.
Explore any course in the world
The Shot Scope golf gps app lets you virtually join any course in the world and see how other Shot Scope users have performed. You can use this platform to plan ahead if playing a new course for the first time.
There are also course records (Gross & Nett) to be challenged for and every Par 5 is a long drive competition!
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